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A shout out to all of the people to stood the line and held their ground. This is based on French General Christian Blanchon’s article paying homage to the unvaccinated.

When the mandates were being forced on the population,

I had already chosen my side, and promised myself I would never comply. As an avid researcher of vaccines, I knew the immediate short term and long-term damage they could do, and I knew I would never take another vaccine again, let alone be forced injected. If the military came to my door, and gave me a choice between a bullet, and a vaccine, I would sure as hell would take the bullet. As a write this, I am completely filled with gratitude because it never came to that. As the flood gates open exposing the evil of the pharmaceutical industry, I don’t think it would ever come to that, but boy we sure came close. My previous experiences speaking out and educating others on the dangers of vaccines had prepared me for this moment. I would like to think that if I had not had the life path before me, I would be brave enough to stand up against the masses, but the truth is I don’t know.
Flashback to 2010. I had just moved to Taoyuan, Taiwan to teach English. My best friend and Co-founder of Truther Talk April had received the news that her middle child was diagnosed with autism. I was a witness to the fact that he had indeed been normal before his MMR vaccination. Online became a cruel world as parents who began to blog about their vaccine injured children were dismissed as angry delusional parents who wanted to blame their child’s misfortune on a vaccine.

As I began traveling with her on her journey. I began to realize that this anger was justified. The amount of devastation that a vaccine injured person has on a family is underestimated. The divorce rate is extremely high. The men usually feel emasculated by being presented with a problem they can’t fix. Having to care for a child with special needs usually bankrupts a family. Not only do the siblings miss out on a brother or sister, but they often feel neglected and or feel resentment because their parents can’t give them the attention they need. Some parents turn to pills and alcohol to cope with the guilt and depression, which eventually becomes addiction. There is also the reality that people discriminate and bully special needs children when they go out in public. I’m sure there are more downsides, to having a vaccine injured family member, but I think you get the picture.

April began to send me data on the safety and efficacy of vaccines, and the risk to benefit ratio that showed all vaccines were never safe or effective, and the risk outweighed the benefit. (I cover this in my article Vaccines are Redrum). This conclusion was definitely a paradigm shift I wasn’t ready to have, but it came whether I wanted it to come or not.

When you find out something horrible, who are you going to tell? The people you love and care about the most. Your friends, and family members. Being the naïve truther I was, I thought I would do them a huge favor by posting this information on social media. After all they needed to know, and I was going to be the one to set them straight. I didn’t know I was going to be exiled from society, called a child killer, receive death, and graphic rape threats for trying to inform people of what I knew to be true. The realization of this was absolutely devastating. I soon understood what the phrase cognitive dissonance really meant, and how much of a religion the cult of vaccination was.

Shortly after doing some of my own research into my medical history. I learned that vaccination was the cause of my asthma, allergies, and endometriosis. Autoimmune diseases I have struggled with for years, and still cause me problems to this day.

During my research a member had posted a document in a group from an internal meeting entitled The National Adult Immunization Plan in which The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services stated that they wanted 90% of the planet vaccinated by 2020. As more and more people have been waking up to the dangers of vaccines, they eventually had to push their agenda to 2030.

Dr. Sheri Tennpenny Explains Healthy People 2020 and the National Adult Immunization Plan.

If more and more people began to question vaccination, how were they going to meet their goals? Answer, by staging fake pandemics. Shortly after that, the news media began to report on disease outbreaks such as whooping cough, and measles. They were reporting that these outbreaks were happening because anti-vaxxers were convincing people to not vaccinate, and it was all their fault. But the reality was. When, you looked deeper into the data, the people who got sick, and were spreading disease were actually the vaccinated.

The moment I realized that this agenda was way bigger than I had ever imagined, was when I witnessed the hearing of Senate Bill SB277. California’s successful effort to get the personal belief exemption removed, as a reason for an exemption from the vaccination requirements into private and public schools. Only 50 people showed up in support of the bill, while almost 1000 people showed up in opposition to the bill, yet they passed it anyway. Among those  people were doctors, scientists, and people in the medical industry. This clearly showed me that these bills weren’t passed with the protection of people in mind. They were passed with the interest of the pharmaceutical goals in mind, which were not in alignment with the protection of the people, but with their own sinister agenda.

Jeffery Jaxen Explains SB277:

Ten plus years later, here we are again with the vaccine mandates. This time, it’s not just California, but the whole planet. They are really going through with it! April and I would talk almost every day during the fake “plandemic”. Mostly about how we were in shock, that they were really going through with their plan. We saw through all of the holes in the official stories of the pandemic, it wasn’t long before a vaccine was introduced. I mean that is what all of the predictive programing in the movies tell us. After a disease outbreak, the vaccine is always the hero.

We were in agreement. WE WOULD NOT COMPLY!

They tried bribery at first, offering people, a lifetime supply of Krispy Kreme donuts, Mc Donald’s meals, Free marijuana, free lap dances, a ticket to a million-dollar lottery, the list goes on. The people who lined up to get vaccinated based on those things, forgot to ask one important question. If vaccines worked, and they were so great at killing the alleged virus, why do people have to be bribed to get it? Shouldn’t they be lining up in droves, to get vaccinated?

Those people were the first to comply.

Soon after the release of the vaccine, it was revealed that the CEO of Pfizer, didn’t get vaccinated, and approximately only 50 to 60% of the workers at CDC and NIH were vaccinated, despite promoting by the agencies to get the vaccine. If that isn’t telling, I don’t know what is.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla explains why he hasn’t taken the vaccine

Officials admit that only some of the CDC and NIH employees are vaccinated.

When enough people weren’t getting vaccinated, by the evil elite’s standards. This is when the claws came out.

Investigative Journalist Ben Swann explains the Yale study

Shortly before the release of the Covid-19 vaccine investigative journalist Ben Swann broke a story stating Yale did a study to figure out how to get people to comply with taking the vaccine. They found out that social pressure and shaming were the best way to get people to comply.

Subsequently came the pressure of not being able to fit into society. The unvaxxed weren’t allowed to travel, go to school, go to concerts, conventions, clubs, basically have no social life. To add to the pressure, friends and family members joined in the shame and exclusion game, banning people from family gatherings around the holidays if they didn’t get vaccinated.

More people complied.

The last shoe to drop, was threatening people with their livelihood. You won’t be able to provide for yourself and or your family, if you don’t allow us to inject this poisonous unknown substance in your arm.

The last of the bunch complied.

I was even shocked to find out some of the health freedom activists I had known for a decade had actually given into the pressure. A lot of us still stood strong. And believe you me it wasn’t easy. As the truth continues to come out about the poisonous vaccine, and pandemic hoax, more and more people are regretting their decision to get the jab. This video below is not for them, it’s for the people who resisted. These people need support and praise as well. If they had given in, it would have been the end of the human race as we know it. I wanted to do something for my homies that held the line. You deserve more than a pat on the back. This wasn’t an easy test to pass, but you did it.

This is based on French General Christian Blanchon’s article paying homage to the unvaccinated. Translated from French.

P. S.

Here is a little bonus for you.  😉

Video made by : @dogtorcampbell

Parody by Babylon Bee

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