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Over the past two years

we have been witnessing and, in some ways, a part of what can only be described as a hostile takeover of the developed world. For those who are unaware of what I’m talking about, I’m referring to the drama series, part science fiction, part horror… all fake Covid-1984 faux-demic.

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything, so allow me to back up. Around 14 years ago my son was vaccine injured, and in 2009 I started a blog, then a YouTube channel then a podcast with my friend, Virstyne. We focused on a number of issues but were primarily concerned with vaccines and health. We were most disturbed by the on-going trend of ever-increasing mandates on health care workers, school children, and the military to be forcibly injected with an increasing battery of vaccines and fewer choices to opt out. In California (where we are both from), we watched the state go from personal beliefs exemptions for school children, to no personal or religious beliefs, to limited medical exemptions to essentially NO exemptions. I reported in 2011 after being reached out to by a 14-year-old girl on independent study in the school district of Natomas, that the school principal showed up at her house with a Tdap booster shot ready to inject on-site and proceeded to defame her mother and disclose personal medical information on the local news. That same year California’s then Governor Jerry Brown “legalized” giving STD medications, vaccines, abortions and psychiatric drugs to 12 year olds without parental knowledge or consent. We interviewed countless victims of vaccine injuries, doctors, scientists and so on…

Fast forward to the year 2022, we’re witnessing a level of tyranny we’ve not yet seen but for those paying close attention, could have seen coming. Not to say ‘I told you so’ but more to say I have been waiting for the uprising that we are at last witnessing.

What began in January of this year in the form of the Canadian truckers’ convoy has turned into an international phenomenon with protests over vaccine mandates, and Covid restrictions cropping up everywhere.

Could this be the awakening we’ve been waiting for? I believe it could.

Over the past few days in Canada, the prime minister Justin Trudeau (or as I like to call him Hitler with hair gel) has declared a state of emergency on peaceful protests lead by truckers, so as to enact what essentially looks like martial law.

But why? Why is Trudeau and his ilk so threatened by this movement? Well in part, they hate working people. They have great disdain for those who they depend on. Throughout history we have seen most uprisings start when the working class have enough. This is what’s happening. There is also the probability that Trudeau and his World Economic Forum cabal is using this as an opportunity to usher complete control over your assets and steal your money, as government thugs like to do.

Trudeau calling unvaccinated “extremists, misogynists, racists”

Klaus Schwab Trudeau and other young global leaders penetrated cabinets.

But I digress…

The main point that I’m trying to make is that the awaken is happening and of course we didn’t think they’d just hand over our freedom, saying ‘our bad, here you go,’. No, it’s going to hard. Listen to Haircut in charge, give a chilling description of how he plans to maintain the Emergency Act that allows the Canadian government to seize assets, arrest and basically control anyone they don’t like.

PM Trudeau and ministers discuss convoy Protests and Emergencies Act

This type of doubling down, hardcore tactic seems to be just emboldened some and re-enforces their resolve.The US is currently planning its own convoy, which the MSM will undoubtedly paint in a negative light, as it has with the Canadian convoy because as I stated before, they hate working people.

Being honest, we all know that in a survival situation, we’d take one trucker over a dozen politicians and political pundits… They know it too.
I can’t say where this is going to go but the time is now to take your position on what side of history you want to land. I think I’ve made mine pretty clear.

Follow April HERE

California, Vaccines and the Zen Fascists!

-April Boden Uncovers Big Pharma’s Plan to Destroy California’s Children:

-The True Purpose of CA SB276:

-Family Claims Ambush by TV and School:

-People Around the World are Protesting Government Vaccine Mandates:

-Klaus Schwab Brags That Trudeau, Merkel, Putin Are Former World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders; “We penetrate the cabinets”:

-Why Canada Will Become a Dictatorship Under Trudeau:

-The People’s Convoy:

-How the RT-PCR Covid-19 Test Works:

Follow April Boden’s Blog Here 

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