Originally Uploaded Oct 01, 2020
Before you read this article,
I would like you to do me a huge favor. Close your eyes. Now imagine the most self-serving, cut-throat, narcissistic sociopathic person, you can think of. Now imagine that complete strangers compare you to that person every day. They ask if you like that person, and when you offer your opinion as to why you don’t like that person, they shame you, and attack you because no matter what that person did, they think you should still like that person because you are the same race. That’s what it’s been like for me, the past four years. Not fun right?
If I had to describe my Youtube channel Truther Talk , I would say it is about Truth seeking. It started off as a podcast with my best friend in 2011. We had a Youtube channel, but not much effort was put into it until after the 2016 election when our conversations about corruption in government, science institutions, and in the pharmaceutical industry started to include conversations about the status quo of society via politics. (I still wouldn’t call our platform political we just happen to cross paths with politics this round). Because of prior commitments, my best friend runs the Facebook page, and I run the Youtube channel. Our old podcast can still be found on SoundCloud.
This election has been a phenomenal exposition of so many corrupt facets of society. It has been revolutionary. With the advent of social media, the mainstream media has not been successful at wielding their old games. Any narrative the mainstream media purveys, can be instantly thwarted with an alternative narrative via camera phone, and a free social media account.
Like a majority of Blacks in this country, I had been programed to vote democrat. The last time I voted was in 2008 for Obama, and I haven’t voted since then. Especially after learning about the left-right paradigm.
Nevertheless, I was extremely eager to see countless other Black people on social media who were aligning with the same thoughts as me. Ideologies that seem to not only empower Black people, but to empower the nation as a whole. The more people began to speak out, the more inspired I became.
When I came across Candace Owens I got really excited. Oh, great another one I thought. And she’s awesome too because she has this no-nonsense attitude, similar to mine. I promoted her videos, I even wrote her an inspiring message and sent it to her knowing that when you are truthful, you get a lot of hate. (It’s something I always do for every truth seeker that I come across).
Candace makes a video addressing her fans about her doxing website.
Watch video of Social Autopsy Fiasco HERE
A couple of months after Candace began to gain popularity, another popular Youtuber by the name Tree of Logic released videos showing she had a doxing website which Candace conveniently dubbed an “Anti-bullying” website. AKA Social Autopsy.
Tree was an ex-police officer. Tree found her own profile on Social Autopsy, and asked her to take it down. She explained he had put a lot of people behind bars, and she didn’t want her real name, her address and screen shots of her comments she had on social media displayed in such a convenient location because she was fearful of criminals stalking her and trying to kill her when they get out of jail.
Instead of complying and showing compassion, Candace blocked her, went on Infowars, and David Rubin show called her a “crazy crack head” (and Tree doesn’t do any drugs at all).
This was perplexing to me, If Candace was the compassionate logical conservative she claimed to be, She would have complied with Tree’s request. Instead she doubled down (Very SJW if you ask me) It’s surprising that people who claim they support the military, and police officers would be ok with that.
By this time news was growing about her mysterious doxing website. When confronted about it in interviews, Candace said her website was just a “splash page” (a working sketch), the website wasn’t functional, and people were over-reacting. She even had a condescending tone with people who dared question the validity of the website.
By now it had grown into a huge fiasco. Other prominent Youtubers of both sexes and all races (mostly conservative or apolitical) took video of her website, to show that it was functional, and that SHE LIED about it.
In her interviews Candace also said she realized it was a bad thing in her past, and took it down. But SHE LIED again about that. The web company had it taken down. They got complaints because she was steeling PEOPLE’S PERSONAL DATA without their permission.
So, let’s not be mistaken. Her website was TAKEN down. She didn’t take it down herself. Given that we are in the information age, and personal information is very valuable, do you honestly think she deleted all of those profiles?
The thing that was disturbing to me was that many people who claim to be for freedom, and hate leftist tactics gave her a pass so easily. Either they refused to look at the condemning evidence against her, or they knew about it and looked the other way because she was on “their team”.
This was perplexing to me, If Candace was the compassionate logical conservative she claimed to be, She would have complied with Tree’s request. Instead she doubled down. It’s surprising that people who claim they support the military, and police officers would be ok with that.
Tree of Logic’s profile on Social Autopsy. She asked Candace to remove it. Candace refused.
Comments from Candace Owen’s doxing website trailer.
A website like that is a grave threat to our republic. It’s an Orwellian dream, a wonderful tool for a pedophile. A very powerful collection of data that can be sold for lots of money for numerous reasons. She was even asked if children would be exempt from getting doxed, in her own worlds she said, “No”. Do you really think she cares about people?
By now her lies were mounting up, and she was starting to loose thousands of subscribers, and Patreons. To try and fix her reputation at the time and clear her name, she had a debate with Blair White, on the David Rubin Show. (Which actually was a bad idea, because it made her look even more guilty) Find it and Watch if her public relation’s team didn’t scrub it from the internet.
She never apologized. She even stated during the David Rubin debate, that she would NEVER apologize for something she didn’t do. And then she was caught.
Candace will never apologize.
The way she carried herself was so horrendous, so vile, that she disappeared completely from social media for almost 6 months to the day. Then she came back with a new haircut, and started getting more mainstream coverage, which pushed all of the bad press about her to the bottom of the search, and in some cases it was erased completely.
Growing up in Los Angeles knowing many people in the entertainment industry, This is a tactic that Public Relation teams use. If one of their clients gets bad press. They have them to lay low for a few months change their image, and them slam people with the new and improved version of their client.
What’s that you say? Oh, that was in her past and you should give her another chance? I’ll be honest, I have friends who are ex-drug dealers, prostitutes, gangbangers etc. and I definitely believe people deserve second chances. This works in their favor only if they change. For example, the gangbanger can’t claim he’s turned his life around, if he is still gangbanging. In Candace’s case, nothing changed except the amount of money that was put behind her to make it look like her cunning ways all went way. She did an evil deed, she lied, she got caught, she never apologized. Get it? No way whatsoever she has changed. What she displayed was sociopathic behavior. The only thing that is different, is that she has lots of money behind her to make her past go away.
The most revealing thing about this situation to me was the hypocrisy of conservatives who just brushed this situation off and say “SHE HAD A PAST SO WHAT?”. Either they are willfully blind, or they know about it, and they don’t care. Which in either situation makes them no better than the leftist they cry about day in and day out.
Hillary Clinton had a past too. Many of the crimes she committed were 10 years or more ago. Does she get a pass too? In order for a human being to change, you need to have remorse for your actions and make amends. Candace did neither of those, and neither has Hillary. This is how monsters are made. People are worried about the monsters on the other team, not on their own. You keep giving people passes just because they are on your team, they won’t have any consequences for their actions, and will become a monster. “Walking away from the left side of politics, to the right doesn’t make you a good person. It doesn’t make you immune from evil. Please get that out of your head. There is not left and right only good and evil.
Candace on Infowars; a caller calls in to question her about her doxing website.
Social Autopsy FAQ’s Video
Taken from the Social Autopsy Kickstarter campaign. It was stated that they had already collected 22,000 profiles and counting.
There seems to be this cult ideology that being on the right makes you a better human being. That’s not true. Historically the Democratic party has been massively corrupt. But the Right side isn’t immune from corruption. Power hungry human beings come from all sides of the political spectrum.
Heading: The Left Right Paradigm
The elite are always playing chess while we common folk are playing checkers.If they see that people are losing trust of one side of the political spectrum, they will quickly try and infiltrate the other side of the spectrum. They don’t care about political parties, they care about power, and they will do everything they can not to lose it. The elite also love to put people in power without integrity. The elite don’t want people with integrity because they can’t control them. If they want the person in power so do something corrupt, they won’t do it if they have integrity. However if they don’t have integrity, like Candace, they are easily controlled. She is a perfect trojan horse to create chaos on the right side of the paradigm.
Another thing I found weird, I made a couple of videos myself during the Tree of Logic, Candace Owens You tube fiasco. I had a pretty modest comment section of people that disagreed with me and agreed with me. As the video started to pick up popularity. I got bombarded with all of these people who were “sticking up for Candace” I noticed that most of these new accounts were non active, had no videos or no pictures. Someone had sent me bots! I spent 4 hours blocking bots from my account. I thought about it later. If people genuinely liked her why would someone have to pay for bots to come to my comment section? And if Google is controlled by leftists? Then wouldn’t they love the fact that I am critical of someone on the right?
The Left Right Paradigm. Here is a great explanation of it HERE.
The elite are always playing chess while we common folk are playing checkers.
Everyone was really excited to hear that Candace and Kanye were teaming up together to, “Wake Black People Up” Leftist media was having a meltdown while the right was jumping for joy. They worked together for a few months, but it wasn’t long before Kanye separated himself from Candace. She lied on him.She said that Kanye designed the Blexit apparel, which turned out to be a blatant lie. Kanye West is a world-renowned rapper. If someone gets to lie on Kanye West, and still gets to remain relevant, something tells me that person has a whole lot of money behind them, and not for benevolent purposes.
In fact I’ve personally spoken to other people who have a disdain for Candace, but they would never publicly make statements about it because they fear the money and power she has behind her. They fear if they were critical of her, it would ravage their careers as well. I even know someone who told me…
“People know that Candace is shady, but they are keeping her around, because she is good business” For them it’s better to play the game than rock the boat. That is flipping disgusting to me.
I also watched an interview with a very prominent Conservative making reference to how there are “some conservatives” in this movement who don’t want to share the spotlight, and don’t want to see people other than themselves be successful. The conservative, being a classy person, didn’t mention her name, but because I had numerous friends to attend the Walkaway/Blexit march. I knew that that person he was talking about Candace. Her efforts to smear and sabotage the Walkaway movement was more than petulant, yet she knew how to manipulate the situation. She knew that other conservatives would attack the conservatives for calling her out on it. She knows that conservatives don’t like to see other conservatives fight, and she used that to her advantage. The more I learn about her, the less I want to give her a second chance.
Candace is the spokesperson for. Turning Point USA. I’m also critical of the color politics they use. I am way more supportive of the #Walkaway Campaign because it is inclusive of everyone. Turning Point and Blexit are using the same tactics they accuse the social justice warrior opponents of. But not many conservatives are calling them out on their hypocrisy either.
From what I’ve seen they have made no effort to reach out to inner city leaders who have been long time conservatives. They aren’t reaching out to the poor communities for collaboration. They have this air about them that they are the “saviors of the Black community” without really asking the Black community what they want, or trying to relate to them. this seems just as arrogant to me as what the liberals are accused of doing.
Candace is the self-proclaimed person that is here to wake Black people up and bring them to the other side. Sounds like something a cult leader would say. If people make the conscious effort to see through the media’s lies, and walkaway from the Democratic party, It was because they made the decision themselves. Not because some savior showed them the light. Come on now give me a break. Now I will say that If you have chosen to walk away, and you see someone like Candace who is unabashedly saying the things you have already been thinking, it is a relief. I get why people like her because I liked her once. I can see why she can be a voice for people who don’t have the courage to say the things she says, or are not in a position to tell people the thoughts they are thinking.
Caption: Beware of False Prophets
To have this person who I think is a horrible human being, thrusted upon me as a thought leader is repulsive to me. I feel like she is being pushed on me like crack, and I don’t even do drugs.
It’s like White people were like, “Here Black person we found a leader for you, and you’re going to accept her whether you like her or not” And they never asked me what I thought about it. I don’t understand people’s obsession to make me like her. Even though I think I give really good sound reasons as to why I don’t.
This situation has also revealed the racism on the other side of the political spectrum. I can criticize another person of color on the Democrat side if I think they are wrong, yet if I criticize Candace, I’m jealous (even though I don’t EVER want to be involved in politics) Yea because God forbid another woman can criticize another woman and it isn’t because she is jealous. It’s just like when the left says someone is racist. The right throw the jealousy word out to stop the conversation to prevent me from criticizing another conservative. Notice I didn’t attack her beauty, or her intelligence. I attacked her actions. I mean isn’t that what conservatives are supposed to do? Judge people by the content of their character? Can’t you see what hypocrites you are? It’s sickening. Do you think Kanye separated himself from her because he is jealous of Candace, or because she is a lying liar who lied on him? I’ll wait…
After I lay out my argument as to why we will never be best friends forever. People get uber angry. I’m like what, you think we are going to be the next Diamond and Silk? (No disrespect to Diamond and Silk, I love those ladies) What, you think we are going to join forces like the Avengers, and kick all the crazy leftists into outer space?
When I mention this, I usually get attacked, sometimes violently verbally attacked. I’ve gotten vile attacks mostly from men. I must say, I feel like I’ve ruined some perverted caramel and chocolate fantasy they have about the two of us. It’s really weird.
Hey people get it together, stop your idol worship it’s not a good look!
I don’t think I’m going to escape this comparison anytime soon. My friends tease me about it. I have to laugh it off. Although today I chose to write about it. I wrote this article to send to people who insist that I reach out to her so we can “Work together”. Thanks, but I don’t want a career in politics. I don’t want a career talking shit about liberals, and arguing with people on twitter all of the time. Spiritually and energetically it’s not healthy. I don’t believe it’s a good idea to always be in a state of anger. That is the type of behavior that leads to cancer and rabid mental instability.
I get many comments of people comparing me to her, I appreciate the sentiment. I realize in their eyes she’s good and they are trying to compare me to what they think is good. But knowing what I know makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit. Actually a lot.
I appreciate the people who respect my stance and still stand by me, even if they opt to still like Candace. If you are offended, You’re not going to shame me into liking her, and I trust you know where the unsubscribe button is. When I think of a thought leader, I think of someone with compassion, integrity and patience. Candace has none of those qualities. I fiercely reject someone like that as a thought leader. Sometimes the response I get when I reject her is very disturbing, it’s as if minions were sent after me, Like the witch in the Wizard of Oz.
sends out her flying monkeys. It’s very cultish. It’s like these people can’t admit that someone they’ve put their energy into is actually a terrible person, and they want to blame me for it. They blame the person exposing the wrong doing not the wrong doer herself. It’s very cultish. So, the next time someone asks me to reach out to her to “join forces”, I’ll send them this article, and simply tell them I’m not interested in joining the Cult of Candace Owens.
On another note here are a list of Fierce Black Women who I love to give my energy to . (If I forgot anyone I apologize.) I hope they inspire you as they do me.
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